World Water Day. Why do we celebrate it?

Also, discover how a simple gesture will save an average of 50 liters of water per day.

On this day, during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, it was proposed to create World Water Day, which would take place every March 22. The objective was to raise awareness of the importance of water as an essential resource for sustainable development.

The average consumption during the shower is 95 liters, which is drunk by a single person over fifty days. There are some very simple guidelines that we could all follow to save water without major complications, such as soaping ourselves with the tap closed.

More than two billion people - three out of ten - do not have access to drinking water in their homes, which directly affects food and energy security and health. The average consumption in Spanish homes is 142 liters per person per day.

To reduce our water footprint we can lather ourselves with the tap closed, this could mean a saving of up to 50 liters per shower, install a saving shower or an atomizer that mixes water with air to reduce the flow, limit the opening of the tap with perlizers or always make sure that the shower or sink is in good condition and not leaking, as this is a huge waste of water.

Water is a scarce resource and threatened by climate change and with small daily habits we could reduce much of our consumption. It is vital to our livelihood that we preserve this vital resource. At MYOKŌ we are committed to the environment in each of our processes, and we hope that more and more brands join this change, since we owe it to our planet.